Monday, August 19, 2019

The number one career mistake most professionals make


Happy end of summer Isodifj!

We hope you are ready for back to school time and the fall season. It’s been incredibly hot here in Atlanta, so we are ready for some cooler weather.

This month’s newsletter is focused on creating your career tool kit: Finding a mentor (not having a mentor is the #1 mistake most professionals make), developing your strategic career plan, and creating a career one sheet for your job search.

Join us on August 29 to learn "How to Create a Career One Sheet for Your Job Search" in our complimentary monthly webinar. Sign up today!

CAREER COACH TIP: "A client recently let us know that her salary doubled based on a resume that we prepared for her! I’m so excited for her and the opportunities that resulted from her working with me. The encounter helped remind me that my services (writing, educating, and coaching/mentoring) have value. Always remember, regardless of what you do work-wise, you touch other's lives in some meaningful way through how you perform your job. Remember that what you do has value!" Jackie Brown, Resume Writer with 

Learn more about Jackie in the video below!


Take this first step to create your career plan. It can be hard to consistently think about your long-term career goals. A strategic career plan is an important tool for career success. 

Not having a mentor is the number one career mistake. Our success in the business world can be directly connected to whether or not we have a mentor.
How to build essential communication skills. Solid communication skills are essential to professional success.
Whether you have coached with us before or not, it's helpful to speak to a professional to help you recharge and set new goals to avoid burnout. Schedule a free strategy session with Hallie today!

Not sure if you need additional help? Take our Ideal Career Quiz or Resume Quiz!

Don't Miss Our Upcoming Events! Complimentary Webinar

5 Ways to Conduct Successful Informational Interviews

September 26 at 12:30 PM ET

Click here for more details and to register.

Need Help? Let's Talk! If you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals, or situation, we're here for you!

Hallie, Jackie, Emma L., Maureen, Emma F., & Gayle

Know someone who would benefit from career coaching? 

Get them a Gift Certificate or participate in our Refer a Friend program. 

Learn how a career coach can change your life - Watch this video!

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