Monday, September 16, 2019

The pros and cons of having a job while in school

Don't miss our Back to School Sale!
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Dear Isodifj,

Before I had my son, I was never aware of back to school time, spring break, or the school calendar at all. Co-workers would talk about it and I was always in the dark. Now, my life is driven by it! Whether you have kids back to school, nieces or nephews or otherwise, we hope it’s going well for you. To celebrate the opportunity to take a fresh look at your career path before the holidays, we are having a Back to School SALE on our most popular product, our Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook.


This month’s newsletter is focused on deciding on your ideal career, considering grad school, and gaining experience while you’re in school.

Join us on September 26 to learn how to conduct effective informational interviews in our complimentary monthly webinar “5 Ways to Conduct Successful Informational Interviews.”

/campaigns/org655208519/sitesapi/files/images/654966688/change_your_life.jpg  It pays to help a friend! 

Do you know someone who isn't sure how to reach their career goals? Refer them to and receive a free gift! Learn more here

Career Coach Tip of the Month

"When I work with clients, one thing I encourage them to think about is not only what they want out of coaching, but what steps they can take to get there. It's not enough to just say, "I want a new job." To truly reach your goals, you have to understand what it will take, such as needing an updated resume or help with tough interview questions. Then, breaking them down into actionable steps is the best way to reach them. By having a clear cut idea of what you want and working with a coach to get there, you're setting yourself up for a smoother transition overall." 

Emma Luttrell, Career Coach with

Career Corner

The pros and cons of having a job while in school. You never know where you will pick up the skills or interests that will later help you define your ideal career. Read more here

How to find a job you love. For some, this comes naturally and they know from age 5 what they want to do (jealous!) For those of us who didn’t have that clarity (which includes yours truly) here are some first steps to get you started

3 tips to help you decide about graduate school. Think about these things to determine if graduate school is right for you. Click here to read more 

Back to School Sale!

In our Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook, Career Coach Hallie Crawford outlines six concrete steps to help you find your ideal career, which include identifying your career values, clarifying your talents and skills and charting a course for a career move. Save $15 with discount code SCHOOL. Get your copy today!

/campaigns/sitesapi/files/images/654966688/HallieCrawford.com_.Identify_Your_Ideal_Career_Workbook.Cover_Page (1).jpg   

Not sure if you are in your ideal career? 

Take our quick Ideal Career Quiz or Resume Quiz!

Register early for your seat at next month's webinar! Complimentary Webinar
Leveraging LinkedIn for Professional Success
October 24 at 12:30 PM ET

Need Help? Let's Talk! As always, if you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals or situation, we’re here for you! 

Hallie, Emma L., Jackie, Gayle, Maureen, & Emma F.


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Hallie Crawford | PO Box 8854, Atlanta, GA 31106

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