Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Are you making progress?                      

Hi Isodifj, 

While you are spring cleaning your home, now is also a good time to spring clean your career. As we head into the second quarter of the year, is there anything that needs to be changed or adjusted with your career path? We have resources below and webinars coming up that can help you with this. You can have a job you love.

Find out how our Ideal Career Model can help you.  

Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach and Founder

Identify Your Ideal Career Online Course With Coaching

This two-month program is perfect if you want a comprehensive career direction program at a lower investment. Our online course includes two coaching sessions, so you can do your thinking and homework at your own pace, on your own time.


Free Webinars

We have great webinars planned this month. Please join us!

3 Simple Steps to Create Meaningful Career Goals

March 26 at 12 PM ET

How Can I Optimize My LinkedIn Presence to Find My Dream Job?

March 28 at 12 PM ET


Career Corner

Spring Clean Your Career

Take some time this spring to clean and declutter your career. What exactly does this mean, and how can you do it? Use our checklist in this article to get started.

Navigating Career Assessments

Career assessments are a great tool, but there are pros and cons. In this article, we explore the benefits and limitations of career assessments


Need help? Let's talk! If you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals, or situation, we’re here for you!

The Team at Create Your Career Path


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