Monday, April 15, 2024

Have you kept your New Year’s resolutions?

This spring take the next step               

Hi Isodifj, 

Are you making progress with your New Year's resolutions? If you're ready to spring forward in your career, we'd like to help you with our Spring Sale. We have resources below that can help you love your job, whether it's making large changes or small changes. I promise, you can enjoy your work! 

As always, you can get unlimited, hands-on support in our $25/month coaching group.  

Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach and Founder


Free Webinars

We have great webinars planned this month. Please join us!

10 Transferable Skills to Help You Change Careers

April 25 at 12 PM ET

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

April 30 at 12 PM ET


Career Corner

How to Choose a Career Coach

A career coach is a great investment in yourself, so it's important that you find the right coach for your needs and goals. Use our checklist to help you consider your options. 

Work With Passion and Purpose: Finding the Right Career Fit

We believe that finding the right career fit is within everyone’s reach. It just takes the right approach and mindset. Here are some strategies that we use with our clients to help you get started.


Need help? Let's talk! If you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals, or situation, we’re here for you!

The Team at Create Your Career Path


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