Monday, May 13, 2024

Stay or go?

Support for the summer blues.             

Hi Isodifj, 

Summer is coming, and we want to help you get on track if you have the summer blues at work. Our "Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook" is some great summer reading, and our LinkedIn webinar will help you find a job you love.

As always, you can get unlimited, hands-on support in our $25/month coaching group.  

Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach and Founder


Give a gift that will last a lifetime! 

Give the gift of finding a job they love in the fall. 


Free Webinars

We have a great program and webinars planned for this month. Please join us!

Job Search Boot Camp for VU Alumni and Friends

May 21 & 23 at 1 PM ET. Sign up here

Coping With Career Regret

May 23 at 12 PM ET

Leveraging LinkedIn

May 28 at 12 PM ET


Career Corner

You Can Minimize Career Regret

It’s impossible to always avoid small regrets, but you can minimize them when it comes to your career, especially when making big decisions. We want to share one important step with you here.

Understanding the Differences: Career Coaching vs. Recruiting vs. Mentoring

Each tool serves a distinct purpose and has a different approach. Knowing the differences between them is crucial for professionals seeking career guidance. Learn the differences here


Need help? Let's talk! If you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals, or situation, we’re here for you!

The Team at Create Your Career Path


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