Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Webinar Today: Leveraging LinkedIn for Professional Success

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Dear [FNAME] ,


Don't miss our free 30-minute webinar today at 12:30 PM ET!


Leveraging LinkedIn for Professional Success

A recent LinkedIn global survey found that almost 80% of professionals consider professional networking important to career success. However, many struggle with keeping in touch with their network or knowing what to say when making new connections. This webinar will provide you with tips regarding creating, improving, and leveraging your LinkedIn profile, whether you are job searching or expanding your network for greater career growth.

We will discuss the following:

1. Why LinkedIn is a critical piece to your job search.

2. An outline of how your LinkedIn profile should be organized.

3. Suggestions on the best profile photo.

4. LinkedIn etiquette in contacting and connecting with professionals.

5. Guidelines on how to brand yourself.

6. Leveraging LinkedIn recommendations in their search and on their resume.



The Team at


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