Monday, November 18, 2019

Free Webinar Tomorrow: Using Professional Communication to Achieve Your Career Goals




You're invited to our upcoming webinar.

Using Professional Communication to Achieve Your Career Goals

November 19 from 12:30-1:00 PM ET

Dear Isodifj ,

Communication impacts every area of our professional lives and is the cornerstone to building trusting relationships with others, managing our time effectively, and accomplishing our professional goals.

With our predisposition to instant gratification, and the use of virtual communication these days, basic professional communications skills can fall by the wayside and hinder our ability to be effective in our careers.

This webinar will help you to:

- Understand the importance of professional communication through any method (email, phone, or in person.)

- Enhance your performance.

- Manage your brand.

- Communicate effectively with co-workers, managers, and clients.


The Team at


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