Monday, November 25, 2019

Perfect Your Negotiating Skills for the New Year

Don't miss our Holiday Sale!

Happy Holidays Isodifj,

As we head into the holiday season, 2020 annual planning, and year end performance reviews, it’s a great time to reflect on your career path and goals. This month’s newsletter is focused on those themes - negotiating a raise or salary for a new job and starting out the new year right with effective communication skills. See our articles and monthly complimentary webinar below for the juicy details.

Woohoo! Holiday Sale: We are having a holiday sale on our Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook through November 29! Details Below!

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Career Coach Tip of the Month

"When discussing workplace negotiations, I often remind my clients that negotiations don't just have to revolve around salary. Want to be able to work from home one day a week? Interested in having a training paid for? Wanting to work different hours? All of these are negotiable topics you can discuss with your supervisor. 

Be sure that you're walking into any negotiations well-planned, well-researched, and ready to not only talk, but listen. Negotiations, whether for salary or other benefits, are all about collaboration and effective communication. Having a list, being well-prepared, and being willing to collaborate to come up with the best solution are key to helping ensure workplace negotiations are effective."

Emma Luttrell, Career Coach with

Help a Friend

Do you know of a friend or family member who can’t stand their job? 

Give the gift that keeps on giving: a new job that they love. 

Gift certificates for coaching on sale now, or 

Refer a friend to

Career Corner
5 Negotiation Skills You Need 

Knowing how to negotiate is a necessary skill that will help you be successful in your career, Here are the skills to master. 

Negotiate a Promotion: How to Create an Accomplishments Document 

Follow these tips to prep for your year-end review. Learn more


The Art of Negotiations: How to Make Your Pitch With Confidence.

Follow these suggestions to keep your cool and negotiate with confidence. Read more


Not Sure If You're In Your Ideal Career?

Find out now. Take our quick

Complimentary Webinar

Attend our webinar: Coping with Career Regret. December 12 12:30 - 1:00 PM ET  
Don't Miss Our Holiday Sale!

In our Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook, Career Coach Hallie Crawford outlines six concrete steps to help you find your ideal career. You'll learn how to identify your career values, clarify your talents and skills and chart a course for a career move. 

Save $15 with discount code SHOPPINGSPREE through November 29.


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Need Help? Let's Talk! As always, if you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals or situation, we’re here for you! 

Happy Fall!   Hallie, Emma L., Jackie, Maureen, Emma F.


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Learn how a career coach can change your life - Watch this video!


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