Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Free Webinar: Learn the secret weapon you need for your job search!



Jumpstart Your Job Search in 2020: How to Tap into the Hidden Job Market


You're Invited!

Struggling with your job search? Still not sure what career is right for you? Find out why leveraging your network and the hidden job market is still the best way to not only land a new job, but further clarify your career direction. The more specific you are with your career search this year, the more successful you will be.


Feb 27, 2020 12:30 PM EST


In this webinar, you will learn:

1. How to begin to define what’s essential to you in an ideal career.

2. What the hidden job market is and how to leverage it to expand your career options.

3. Essential first steps to tap into the hidden job market to land your dream job.

You will walk away with specific, tangible steps to consistently and methodically utilize the hidden job market to your advantage, to expand upon and create additional job ideas and opportunities.


Presented by

Hallie Crawford

Certified Career Coach and Founder,



Register for the webinar and in case you miss out, we'll send you a recorded version. Already in your dream job? Send this email to a friend or colleague!


We look forward to meeting you at the webinar.


This email was sent by hallie@halliecrawford.com to file10.file10@blogger.com. 

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