Thursday, March 12, 2020

Do these 5 things to update your resume

Dear Isodifj,

Happy almost spring! We hope you and your family are staying healthy given everything going on in the world. Please stay safe and let's all be patient and calm as we manage around the global health issues.

In this issue, we are talking about why it's important to update your resume and keep it up to date regularly. Whether you are in job search mode or not, it’s important to keep your resume in good shape. You will need your resume for your next performance review, to ask for a promotion, and for networking in general. Now, we know that you may wonder, "Why should I get professional help on my resume when I can get so much free advice online?" We get it! 

Here's the deal: You can get free resume information online. General advice. Unfortunately, it can be confusing or conflicting and your resume won't represent you as it could. We want you to succeed and be smart about where you invest your time and money. Here is why we truly believe hiring a resume writer is worth it, every time: “Why You Need to Hire a Professional Resume Writer."

Your resume is the first impression you give to prospective employers, recruiters, and networking contacts. It is imperative it is the best is can beOur resume packages are tailored to your and your needs, starting at just $399.

Career Coach Tip of the Month

When writing your resume, remember that employers are not interested in reading the details – leave this for the interview. Instead, employers are more interested in understanding the value you offer to their organization. This value can be clearly illustrated with measurable results.

Emma Luttrell

Career Coach with

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Career Corner
Top 10 Things to Have on Your Resume

A list of ten things that you definitely cannot forget to check so your resume can make it past that 15-second screening. Read it here.

An Easy Guide to Writing Your Resume with Substance

Follow this guide to keeping it short and sweet without sacrificing substance. Start now.


Keep Your Resume Up to Date at All Times

Here’s why and how you should always keep your resume updated. Learn more here.


Complimentary Webinar

Attend our webinar with guest presenter Leslie Kuban: Am I Cut Out for Self-Employment? on March 26 from 12:30 - 1:00 PM ET. Save Your Seat


Not Sure if Your Resume is Up to Par?

Find out now. Take our quick


Need Help? Let's Talk! As always, if you'd like to discuss your career needs, goals or situation, we’re here for you! 

Hallie, Emma L., Jackie, Maureen, Emma F.




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