Thursday, March 19, 2020

We are here for you

Hi Isodifj,

We know that by now your inbox has been filled with offers of support in the face of COVID-19. We'll keep it brief: We are here for you

Everyone on our team is here to support you and your career needs as much as you need, anytime. In the midst of this unique time, we encourage you to lean on your coach and on us as an organization for guidance and mentorship. You're not alone. 

Over the next month, we will be hosting four free webinars to help you improve yourself and work smarter during this time. Be on the lookout for emails to register for these events in the next few weeks. Our first webinar will discuss self-employment. Should you consider a side gig or going out on your own?

Our additional webinars will discuss the following topics: how to update and leverage your LinkedIn profile, ways to fix your resume, and tips for working more effectively with your team remotely.

You are your brand, so it's always a good idea to work on you.  

Feel free to ask us any questions you may have about working remotely, managing your time, how to calm and work with your team remotely, anything you need job-related. Over the next many weeks, we will be sharing actionable advice and tools on our social media channels you can use to navigate your new work circumstances as best as possible.


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